That would be me. Want to know what I did? Sure you do....
Before I took my mini blogging break, I set my comments up for moderation. There was some wierd comment on my blog a couple weeks ago, and it freaked me out. So anyway, I FORGOT that I set it up. So, when I said I would be going away and I checked on my main page and it kept saying "0 comments", I thought, "thats wierd...oh well no one is commenting because Im going to be gone and they figure I wont read them anyway". Cool. So then I do my "Im baaack" post and comments. I thought, "what the hell? No one likes me, now that Ive taken a break?". So, Im all worried and stuff, and I go to do an entry about why no one is commenting, and then I see the "20 comments need to be moderated" message. Yeah, Im a moron. Oh and of course its when my brother decides he is actually going to start leaving comments (its about time!). So, comment that I know what Im doing, I'll actually see them!
HaHaHa, that's totally something I would do. You know what's the worst about anonymous comments? He comments on posts from last year and then I have to go back, find the post and delete it. I understand the need to moderate.
TOTALLY sounds like something I'd do... ha!
Yay, glad you're back! And btw, that's SO something I would do, too!
**slaps forehead**
Yep, yep, something I would do to. May have, even!
Ha! I would say that I would do this, except for I would have posted the blog about how no one seems to like me enough anymore to comment and then stew on it for another few days/weeks BEFORE noticing. So you are not a moron, rather, more observant than I :o)
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