Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Clarification on the "0".

Its been bugging me for a while (ever since my hub pointed it out)that my blog title indicates that there were previously NO children in our lives. It is true that prior to adopting our three, we had NO children in the home and I have NEVER had children I could call my own, living permanantly, under the same roof as me. It is true that since T and I have been together we have never had children, living with us, as far as our lives went TOGETHER IN our HOME.
What needs to be clarified however, is that this isnt the first round of fatherhood for T. He has two wonderful grown kids from a previous marriage. He is a bit older than me, so while technically possible, its not probable for me to be old enough to be his kids' mother, but technically I am thier stepmother. They have never lived with him and I, and I had no part in raising them.

SO....the 0 in my title refers to our lives TOGETHER. We had 0 kids togehter, had 0 kids living with us, we had never raised any kids together. We took pretty awesome vacations, and were fairly self indulgent when we were able to do so...and then, we adopted 3 kids and our life changed ALOT. Gone were the weekends of "Sopranos" marathons, or just driving off into the distance for days at a time, hitting every antique or record store on the way in search of a treasure for days gone by or to add to our monsterous vinyl collection. Gone are the days when we could do what we wanted, WHEN we wanted to do it.

Gone are the days when we slept and ate, WHENEVER we felt like it. Gone are the days of leaving a bottle of wine open on the kitchen island, ready and available, whenever. Gone are the days of watching WHAT we wanted to watch WHEN we wanted to watch it.

This is the reason for my title. We (together as married couple) went from 0 kids in the house and taking over our DAILY lives to 3 kids in the house and taking over our DAILY lives, in just 90 days.

Maybe I should change the title. That will take some thinking.....which a lot to ask of me, right now.


shastastevens said...

That makes perfect sense. 0 to three children in the home in 90 days. It doesn't say children anywhere. So if we're going to assume children, we can assume in the home, being raised by you. I think it works and hope no one got their feelings hurt. I remember, before the husband and I got married, I had Artist. He was 2. Then fiance once told me that having no kids was good with him. I was shocked! Too late, I already had one! He meant if we had no more one was enough. But it still hurt to think that he didn't want my son to be our son. Totally not what he meant. I think we're super sensitive about step children, because everyone wants to be loved and accepted. It is clear you love your stepchildren.

Macey said...

Makes perfect sense to me.
It's your blog and in your life, you went from 0 to 3. Simple enough.

JennyMac said...

I love the explanation and love the title. I dont think you need to change it!

Cassie said...

I agree with the others. Your title makes perfect sense with your experience.

Shanti said...

I agree--the title makes complete sense! I don't see any reason to change it. =)

Heather Cherry said...

"Don't ever change." I would write that in your yearbook, given the chance. I adore your blog title and think it's very effective. It conveys the fact that you adopted 3 whole entire older children in 3 months' time. Like, whistle-whistle-whistle, don't mind us, just doing our married life thing, la-la-la... BOOM! 3 KIDS! Which is amazing. You hear me? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. And you and T are my heroes for that. I love you, your blog, AND your blog title. XOXO!

obladi oblada said...

Thanks HC!

stellarparenting.com said...

makes sense to me too. We are in the same sort of situation, P has a son from his first marriage and I am not that adults child's mother in any way. He was 16 when p and I met, he si 25 now. I am not even old enough to be his mom and I do not include him when I talk about my kids, P does say he has 3 sons and that is the truth for him but not for me.

Serendipity Handmade + Vintage said...

First and foremost you are blogging for yourself...whatever you want to do works. Secondly, I envy you and your spouses' commitment to each other that enabled you to go 0 to 3. You are truly blessed.

Just stopped over from SITS. I hope that you have a wonderful day.

Amy said...

don't change it. it's your blog, and you didn't have kids before this - so you're good :) plus it says life after older child adoption - so it's obvious you're talking about adopting three kids at once!