Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Mumbling....and a movie review looks pretty certain the GICOE isnt coming back. I wont say too much about that though, because although he drove me insane, I dont wish bad health on him either. However, it is so much quieter around the office.

Had a good weekend despite the hub being gone. The hub is off on his way to hunt with his brothers..he wont be back until Thanksgiving night. I miss  him and the kids miss him. The dogs miss him too. Surprisingly I havent broken anything that I cant fix far so good.

Friday was L's birthday. He is 12 now. Yep, one year away from teenage hood...yippee. He is an awesome kid though, and hopefully when the aliens steal his brain (because they do you know, at age 13 and they wont return it until age 20) it wont be too bad. As good luck would have it, S and A got invited to friends houses to spend the night, so L had a friend over and they got the whole wii, living room, and cherry pie to themselves, all night long. I retreated to my bedroom with the dogs and I did some much needed cleaning and organizing and tossing out while watching the old mini series "Rich man, Poor man" on DVD. Does anyone remember that from the 70s, starring Nick Nolte, and Peter Straus?

Saturday morning the local theatre was showing a free movie for kids (and parents), "The Dispicable Me". Review and Rating by me to follow at the end of this post. They were asking for canned food donations for the holiday season. I think we could feed Ethiopia with what they must have received. was insane. They used all 8 screens for this event...which is a good thing, because that line for the first times alone, had to be a mile long. We waited in line for 45 minutes. I was in a party of 12. I had my three kids plus two other boys, and my friend had her two and one extra, plus her mom and my mom. We also got one free popcorn and small drink per person. We didnt stand in the crazy snack line first, we went and secured our seats. The six of us females in the second row and the six little boys in front of us (within reach:)). Normally, we wouldnt choose the front row, but it was the only two rows left that could accommodate our huge group. Then two adults and four of the boys went and got the popcorn and pop...and somehow we managed to get back to our seats with all 12 orders of popcorn and pop. We must have seen everyone we know at the was insane. The kids were great; of course it helps that the movie didnt have one single dull moment in it.

Now the movie....for those of you who havent seen it....the only warning we read about was for adopted first, I was like "oh great"...but a little talk with the kids to warn them and talk about any feeling ahead of time was key. POSSIBLE SPOILER:  Before you see it, if you have adopted warned that after three little girls are adopted, they are "returned" by the  adoptive parent. Dont worry though, it has a happy ending (of course). I warned my kids about that part of the movie and we talked about it. My kids assured me that they werent worried about that happening to them.

Anyway, the movie has a fantastic message to it about the value of family as opposed to any material thing you might gain (including the moon itself). I recommend it as a family film that adults (with a sense of humor) and kids will all enjoy. I loved this movie, and I plan on purchasing it. My husband, hater of most things animated, will even laugh at it...Im convinced.


Mama Drama Times Two said...

Sorry to hear about GICOE not being well - I truly enjoyed the many funny stories. And as for aliens returning kid's brains when they are 20 - unh-uh. Nope. My oldest is 21 and we are still waiting for his.

Macey said...

Okay, my hubs was adopted and whenever he was naughty his mom told him she'd take him back to the "used baby store." :( I don't know now if I can watch it, and I so wanted to see it!
Fingers crossed GICOE is gone! :)

The Accidental Mommy said...

Nooooooooo GICOE come back!!!! OMG, how are you going to know to fax the faxing stuff if he doesn't tell you? Good crap! Well, you are just going to have to make up stories about him, lol!

Anonymous said...

My litle girls want to see that movie...