Saturday, October 25, 2008

I love this month.

October rocks!Pumpkins, Halloween, cool crisp air, colorful trees, my birthday, its just a fun month and I love it.

Today we went to N's football game, where he scored a touch down (second time!). They lost, but its so great to see a little boy who has always wanted to be on a team finally get to do it. None of his foster parents ever bothered. There is a lot they didnt bother with. If you are reading this and you are a foster parent, for Heavens Sake, help these kids be as NORMAL as possible by letting them EXPERIENCE stuff like other kids. There is a lot of normal kid crap that my kids havent done because no one took the time. I mean none of them, even N (who is almost 10) can ride a bike!!! To me, this is inexcusable and quite frankly it really SUCKS. AND they suffer for it. SO, former foster parents of my children, THANKS A LOT. If I sound angry, I am.

So anyway, today we carved pumpkins after the game. It was fun and it was another first. They had never carved or took part in carving pumpkins. Here they are doing NORMAL kid crap....

The hub is a great pumpkin carver. The kids cleaned the guts out and my hub did most of the other stuff. Its amazing what you find out about your husband after you have kids. He can carve pumpkins!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Those pumpkins look so cool! I stink at pumpkin carving. Not enough patience, I guess.